During a nighttime exploration on Mount Shasta, one person managed to capture an image that reflects a rather bright anomaly. In the vicinity of Mount...
A Woman Captures a UFO on Video Flying Over a Lake in Australia
During a vacation, a woman and a companion managed to observe a strange anomaly in the sky that was flying over a lake in northern Australia. This dis...
The 10 “Potentially Dangerous” Asteroids Monitored by NASA
The US agency has a center that monitors space objects that have an orbit close to our planet in order to study them and determine their future behavi...
NASA Captures Largest UFO Ever Seen Near the Sun, says Ufologist (Photo)
Self-proclaimed extraterrestrial hunter Scott Waring has stated that a NASA space telescope has captured “the largest UFO ever recorded.” ...
The Universe May be Full of Very Advanced and Invisible Species for Us
Astronomer Franck Marchis, a member of the SETI Institute, is convinced that we will soon be able to “see” living exoplanets directly. Alr...
They Commemorate the First Extraterrestrial Kidnapping in History
A historic marker was placed near the river where two men in southern Mississippi said they were abducted by extraterrestrials in 1973. The media repo...
Pilot Captured by The Haftar Forces of Libya Was Identified as a Veteran of The United States Air Force After His Liberation
A fighter pilot who was shot down and captured by the forces of one of the rivals of the Libyan government was revealed as a veteran of the United Sta...
After Air Crash in Cuba, Global Air Offers up to $ 5,000 to Relatives of the Victims
It is an “advance payment” to “cover immediate economic needs” of those who have suffered the loss of a family member. The Mex...
German Authorities Continue to Investigate Causes of Plane Crash
German authorities were still investigating the causes of the collision of two Eurofighter-type fighter-bombers that claimed the life of a pilot on Mo...
Brazilian Soldier Arrested After Arriving in Spain with 39 Kilos of Cocaine in a Plane of the Presidential Fleet of Jair Bolsonaro
Spanish security forces have arrested a Brazilian soldier, member of the official delegation of President Jair Bolsonaro who is heading to Japan to pa...