The universe is rare and, for the moment, quite unknown to the ordinary human. However, scientists and astronomers are fortunate to, through their res...
Condor, German Subsidiary of Thomas Cook Applies for a Loan to Avoid Lack of Liquidity
Condor, a German subsidiary of Thomas Cook, has requested a bridge loan backed by the German government to avoid a possible lack of liquidity of the c...
Truck Full of Fireworks Catches Fire and Creates an Amazing Light Show [VIDEO]
A viral video shared on Facebook shows the wonderful spectacle that was caused by the fire of a truck, while traveling on a road in Russia. The firewo...
The Bankruptcy of Thomas Cook Ruins the Marriage of a Man Named Thomas Cook
“Thomas Cook had promised us a surprise for our wedding because of my name but it is not the surprise that we expected,” said Monday this ...
Disney World Balloon Salesman Suffers a Big Scare from a Mini Tornado [VIDEO]
Thousands of YouTube users ended up attracted to a viral video that was recorded at Disney World, Orlando, in the United States. The video shows the m...
They Capture Strange Black Spot on Jupiter; NASA Explains
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently published a series of photographs taken by the space probe ‘Juno’ in whi...
A Meteor Lights up the Australian Sky [VIDEO]
The passage of a meteor illuminated the Australian sky on Friday night in the states of Tasmania and Victoria. Surveillance cameras installed in both ...
Here is What Followed the ‘Assault’ on Area 51 in Search of Aliens: Memes, Arrests and Curiosities
Of the one and a half million people who promised in networks to join the “invasion”, only a few hundred attended the meeting. Among the a...
“Geriatric force”: US Needs 225 Bombers to Counter Russia and China
The United States needs to increase the number of bombers from 156 to 225 or more in order to counter Russia and China in the new conditions, writes t...
Asteroid Dust From 470 Million Years Ago Favored Biodiversity on Earth
A collision in the asteroid belt 470 million years ago created drastic changes in life on Earth that, paradoxically, increased biodiversity on the pla...