Post sponsored by the Texas Jobs site That are easy to get and people are desperate to get them On Instagram the images were made viral where ...
British Airways Flight Breaks Supersonic Speed Records (VIDEOS)
Post sponsored by the Toronto Jobs Where everybody is looking to earn more money The race to conquer the air is more alive than ever. In 2019,...
She Records a Passenger Who Hits her and States that a Flight Attendant ‘reward him’ with Rum [VIDEO]
A woman who flew with American Airlines sparked a debate on social networks by posting a video on Twitter, which shows how a man sitting behind her hi...
Air Force Pilot Makes Marriage Proposal from Space [VIDEO]
A United States Air Force pilot recently took the opportunity to go a little above the world, with a very special marriage proposal. Captain Stuart Sh...
Los Angeles Health Authorities Monitor 1,000 People Who Travelled To China
Post sponsored by the Toronto Jobs Where everybody is looking to earn more money “This is an aggressive effort that touches the lives of...
Why Does Venezuela Have These Missiles?
Post sponsored by the Montreal Jobs That have the best benefits The image surprised many this Tuesday in Venezuela. A large rocket launcher ve...
Astronaut Says SHE Feels Good After A Year In Space (VIDEO)
Post sponsored by the Toronto Jobs Where everybody is looking to earn more money! CABO CAÑAVERAL, Florida, USA (AP) – The NASA astronaut...
NASA Scary ‘Devil’ Photography Scrolling Through Mars [VIDEO + PHOTOS]
On Mars, as on Earth, dust swirls result from the heat produced by sunlight, causing upward convection of air. The observations of Martian dust devils...
How the Mexican Air Force Hunts Narco Planes with Jets, Drones and Satellites
A few weeks ago several operations were carried out where aircraft loaded with drugs (two in Quintana Roo: Bacalar and Mahahual) were detected and sei...
More than Half of the Army’s Air Assault Helicopters are Out of Order
The National Army Air Assault Division has 42 Black Hawk helicopters and only 15 of them are in operation; The rest is stopped due to lack of maintena...